Scope of JOLA’s Privacy Policy

The following are provisions that protect the right to privacy, all personal data and other related matters, are only used in the activities of members associated with JOLA.

Collection of Personal Data

When you register as a member, our website will provide a personal data column that must be filled in, such as: member account, password, name, nickname, address and other information, if you visit or check your data on the JOLA website, our website will provide personal data according to your request. Do not give your personal data or password to third parties or distribute on the website; after you have finished visiting the website, you must “Exit” from your personal account, then close the display.

Use of Personal Data

Your personal data collected by JOLA will be the basic information of your participation in the website, all personal data will be used for notification of activities, detailed analysis of activities, not used for other purposes. JOLA will not trade, exchange or rent your personal data to other organisations/websites/individuals.
The JOLA Website will provide your personal data to third parties, only under the following conditions:

  1. In providing services, other promotions for you, if JOLA cooperates with third parties, JOLA will provide an explanation of the activities to be carried out, you have the right to choose whether to accept.
  2. The government or law enforcement authorities submit a request to JOLA to cooperate in an investigation through legal official procedures.
  3. If a member has the potential to harm the interests of JOLA or other members or third parties, JOLA has the right to provide member data as a basis for legal purposes for clarification, contact or verification of personal data to take necessary actions through legal channels.

Shipping Information or E-mail

When you join as a member or login, after obtaining your agreement, JOLA will provide information or send e-mails to you, you can make a choice if you are not willing to accept similar e-mails through the settings in your personal data change menu.

Change of Personal Data

When you join as a member or login, you can change your personal data at any time, except for “Account”, which you can change through “My Account”.

Data Security and Protection

We use high technology to protect the security of your personal data. We use 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to secure data transmission, as well as setting up a firewall to prevent other parties from taking your personal data illegally.

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